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I’m Jose Felix, creative web developer and designer. I love to craft top-tier memorable websites with unique interactions, captivating animations, and clever effects.

From Three.js to Motion and Design Thinking, my comprehensive skillset and solid experience in the industry, allow me to help you solve any design or code challenge and grow your business.

Jose Felix's Photograph

Cercas del humaya

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Design and development of the Cercas Humaya’s website, showcasing their expertise in galvanized cyclonic mesh installation and related services. Using advanced tools like WebGL GLSL shaders and Three.js, I created an interactive digital experience that reflects their commitment to client safety and innovation.


Creative Web Designer & Developer


WebGL, GLSL, GSAP, JavaScript, Figma

Conducted user and stakeholder interviews and identified two primary user groups: individuals looking to improve security in their homes and businesses in sectors like agriculture, construction, and real estate. By defining the goals and pain points of these groups, I guided the design proces.s, developed a user journey map, and crafted a clear problem statement. This enabled me to start ideating screens and information architecture for the website design.

User Journey Map

After a deep dive into the business needs and user groups I started creating low-fidelity wireframes on a desktop-first basis. It is also important to consider responsive design from the start plotting the responsive layout that will be used to establish a seamless experience in all deivces.


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Design of the main pages for ProMazo’s new web application, allowing users to track student and mentor data, visualize interactions, and gather insights. This supports ProMazo’s mission to connect businesses with top university talent . The project demonstrates my ability to create data-driven interfaces that enhance user engagement.


Data Visualization Web Designer


Figma, Illustrator, After Effects, Notion

Data Coppel Platform

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Grupo Coppel is an enterprise from México, founded in Culiacan, Sinaloa with over 80 years in the market of retail and financial services. Their main goal is to improve their customers' lives by being able to easily and quickly obtain their store credit and other financial services through Coppel, BanCoppel and Afore Coppel.


UX Designer


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, React

I conducted user and stakeholder interviews to gain a better understanding of the business needs and constraints as well as to identify user needs and goals. I also performed a competitive analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the competition. I created a Persona to represent this groups.

Defining this problem statement helped generate HMW (How Might We) questions to guide ideations workshops with stakeholders and brainstorm possible design solutions to choose and refine the most promising ones.

After a deep dive into the business needs and user groups I started creating low-fidelity wireframes on a desktop-first basis. It is also important to consider responsive design from the start plotting the responsive layout that will be used to establish a seamless experience in all deivces.

Creating a Sitemap for Data Coppel was the first step towards the design phase, based on insights gathered from research and the competitive analysis conducted. Creating a correctly structured information architecture that helps users easily find and understand where they were on the platform was crucial for Data Coppel.

Jose Felix Portfolio

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Design and development of my personal portfolio website. José Felix is a Creative Web Designer and JavaScript Developer specializing in GSAP, Three.js, GLSL Shaders, and Data Visualization to create interactive and immersive web experiences.


Creative Web Designer & Developer


WebGL, GLSL, GSAP, JavaScript, SCSS, Figma, FigJam

In the pursuit of creating compelling user experiences, I started the design process with comprehensive competitive analysis, reviewing the strategies of three key players in our domain. This analysis encompassed two direct competitors and one indirect contender, allowing for a nuanced understanding of market dynamics and user preferences.

Migration Scrolly

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Design and development of Potential Clients Migration, an interactive “scrollytelling” data visualization for Coppel to better understand their portfolio of potential clients. For Coppel Group, their most important asset is their clients, so it is essential to study and understand their behavior within the credit portfolio to identify new business opportunities and strategies.


Data Visualization Web Designer & Developer


Figma, FigJam, D3js, JavaScript

I began designing this visualization with a comprehensive analysis of references, reviewing stakeholder ideas and design vision. My next step in the design process is usually creating a storyboard for data visualization. This step is crucial for conveying the “big idea” to stakeholders, using insights from the previous research.

After reviewing and refining the storyboard with stakeholders and the design team, the next step is to create low-fidelity wireframes. This approach allows me to communicate progress with stakeholders frequently, identify potential issues early, and ensure alignment throughout the project.